A business’ location and work space can define the working atmosphere as well as the customer interest and participation over time. Choosing the perfect office space can be challenging, especially in areas with lots of competition or, on the other hand, limited options. Here’s a quick checklist of things to keep in mind the next time that your business is on the market for a new home.

  1. Price. Before you can dream, you have to know your limits. Look ahead for hidden costs like maintenance or parking and then consider comparable rates across the surrounding areas to make sure that you’re getting the best deal. Although you don’t want to underpay for an office space and lose out on important perks, you also don’t want to overpay and threaten the financial security of your business because of a location choice.
  2. Location. Is the location accessible for your employees and customers? Parking options, distance to transit, neighborhood safety, street visibility, and surrounding businesses are all important components to consider.
  3. Layout. Once you’ve locked down your ideal location in town, you have to make sure that the business space matches your needs. Within the flat square footage numbers, you should to consider how you’ll be able to use the space. Map out a break room, meeting space, storage areas, and other important office design factors ahead of time. There’s a large difference in functionality between an open-concept loft space and a sectionalized, deep construction unit.